URL: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=130678
Author: MasterComic
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Interactive
Schedule: Th/Su
Section/s: 186-565
So it's 2014 now. New year, new you etc. So let's start things off with a new webcomic review, Cup of Olea by MasterComi...Oh, wait. I did this one last year. Well, the author sent me a message a while ago asking for a rereview because the comic has made a lot of progress since it first started. In the review I posted six months ago, I concluded that the had some good writing but a slow plot that was the result of reader input. Looking through the new pages, I can see he's made some effort in the art and has pursued some options that cut down on the slow pace while still keeping the comic interactive. However, a lot of the old issues still exist.
I posted the review for Cup of Olea
in July, I previously wrote a review for the comic on the SmackJeeves
forums in June.
The later review was updated to reflect new pages that had been
added since the new review was posted and a review of the updated
site. I don't know if he's seen the July review, but I didn't notice
any changes in the site design since the last review, so nothing has
changed here.
the last review, Cliff meets the king's son Sheridan who tells him
and the team about how the Cup of Olea can revive the dead,
explaining the zombie outbreaks. They all return to the castle and
the king tells them that the knight who stole the Cup was rumored to
have run off to Trosdan, and the team is sent to Trosdan to find
information about the knight's whereabouts and keep a low profile.
But considering the user input, Cliff does anything but. He beats up
multiple people for no reason, and Sheridan has to meet them and tell
the Trosdanian army that Cliff is an escaped mental patient. Cliff
falls down a hole, finds a new weapon, meets a spy, gets information
about the knight, and gets a cloaking device. After they return,
Cliff and Katelynn go on a date, and Zazoom and Taxi visit Murica
(not to be confused with 'Murica).
As I
said in the previous review, the interactive nature of the comic
explains the strengths and weaknesses of the comic. One thing I
praised it for previously was the unpredictable nature of the comic,
as new comments change the story in ways that no one would have
predicted, such as Cliff getting various
Sheridan getting a
stupid nickname, and random NPC's getting humiliated
ways. And while some of that can be chalked up to commands, the
author also deserves credit for coming up with good ideas on the fly.
For example, in some earlier scenes, Cliff is shown going up
green pipes, a reference to the Mario games. When someone actually
suggests he dress
up as Mario, he dresses up as the R&B
singer. When Cliff is about to open a treasure chest, someone
suggests he do
a Zelda reference and instead of the obvious
choice, he references something different
And once savestating is brought in, the save menu becomes a
character in it's own right, acting like
And finally, he threw in some “cheats” which fit into the video
game conceit and result in some weird effects on the page.
the first 185 pages, the random excursions are fun, but there's no
denying that the pace still tends to lag. The trip to Trosdan takes
176 pages, which is almost as long as it took for Cliff to find out
what the Cup of Olea had to do with the zombie attacks in the first
place. The author does try to address this
which streamline some of the commanding while still keeping the comic
interactive. He also does some
while carrying out the commands, getting those aspects of the story
across regardless of what is actually requested. Though like in the
earlier strips, he will have cases where he holds requests until
after they're relevant and say “Oops,
which still exists to skirt requests not worth carrying out, though
that still comes at the cost of dragging the plot down. And as the
comic goes on almost 600 pages I do wonder if the length and the slow
speed of the plot will turn newcomers off to going through the
art is still done in the intentionally blocky pixelated style as the
beginning. Like I said in the original review, this is probably to
facilitate making a page for every request that was made. Though I
excused it, I did ask that the author put a little more effort in
the pages, which I will say he has done. He
which in the cases of Cliff dancing work better than if the images
were static (also, I like that the author posts YouTube videos of
music in the comments). And he did this Photoshoped
image as a request for “hyperrealistic” graphics, which
probably was more ambitious than the previous pages (not that I would
want every page like this, but I like that it probably took more work
than the other pages).
only other thing I would say that can improve the comic is to avoid
mixing photographic images and
They look really out of place, and could easily be recreated to fit
in with the rest of the comic (though the giant
slab of bacon is pretty funny in a Monty Python-esque way).
comic is still fun to read though, but the plot still could move
faster. While the addition of polls and some railroading is being
done to keep the comic on track, I can still see some new readers not
wanting to slog through the quickly growing archive. The art is
still the same pixely blocks, though there are some pages that show
more time was put into them.
Thanks for the review! Yeah, with a comic that is driven by the readers, it's hard to keep it short and concise. But I try my best!