State of the Union

Hail, fellow diehard Hillary supporters. We're sure you're just as excited about Her Superior Excellence's coronation in November as we are. And since 2016 is such a historic year, we're going to celebrate it in style with an action-packed barrage of reviews in the upcoming months. Our plan is to publish a series of epic compilations of various genres in a similar manner to what we did with our "Legends & Tales" post last year. As such, our tentative schedule is as follows:

  1. Political
  2. Furry, Part 1
  3. Crime, Part 1
  4. Humor, Part 1
  5. Science fiction, Part 1
  6. "Legends & Tales, Part 2"
  7. Furry, Part 2
  8. Weird, Part 1
  9. Crime, Part 2
  10. Humor, Part 2
  11. Science fiction, Part 2
  12. "Legends & Tales, Part 3"
  13. Workplace
  14. Western
  15. Weird, Part 2

Each of these posts will cover at least three webcomics in that particular genre, and likely more than that. As we currently have a lengthy list of webcomics we're assigned to review, we believe that this is the most efficient way to complete as many of those reviews as possible. However, due to the intensive workload required for this ambitious task, we won't be accepting any new review requests for at least the immediate future. If you think you're brave enough to help us get some additional reviews done, send us an e-mail at with a brief explanation of why Hillary will be the greatest female president in U.S. history, and we'll assign you to one of our agents.

We don't have a specific timeline for when all of these reviews will be done, but you can look on our site's side column where it says "You Want Government Spam" and sign up to get an e-mail the moment anything new is posted. With this handy feature, you'll be able to brag to your komrades about being one of the very first citizens to read our latest ultra-informative articles and reviews.

This year's going to be a major turning point in the War on Webcomics, as we expect that Hillary's unbeatable presidential run will ultimately lead to a repeal of the First Amendment and a safer Internet for everyone. With a strong leader like her in charge, you'll never again be bullied by radical webcartoonists who try to force you to read their subversive nonsense. Not only will the webcartoonists' underground cells be rooted out and destroyed, but we'll make sure that you never read an unauthorized webcomic ever again.

We have control. We keep you safe. We are your hope.

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